PCF Builder

PCF Builder is available on XrmToolbox as well as on Visual Studio Code extension. This tool helps you to easily create, build and deploy solution for your custom control using Power Apps Component Framework.

Download the plugin in XrmToolbox or from VS Code extension or both. Don’t forget to checkout the GitHub project for this as well. If you want to chat about PCF Custom Control Builder plugin you can use the Gitter Community.

Check out the report on how the tool is performing

*Note: This is only capturing insights for version 2.2020.3.22 & above

Application Insights Manager

An XrmToolbox Plugin that creates a javascript webresource in your Dynamics 365 CE instance to track client-side insights like PageView, PageLoad, etc. and also some custom event tracking as well. The tool helps you to add the insights javascript on multiple form at once.

Download the plugin in XrmToolbox. Don’t forget to checkout the GitHub project for this as well. If you want to chat about Application Insights Manager plugin you can use the Gitter Community.

Check out the report on how the tool is performing